Thursday, November 12, 2009


A teacher, Ashley Payne, got fired for posting an expletive, that word that rhymes with kitsch, on her facebook. Also, she was holding wine in a picture. The school district forced her to resign because her conduct was "unacceptable."
This is flipping ridiculous. Is there a list of words you are not allowed to post online? Is the school district condoning or even, dare I say it, supporting censorship? Okay, I can understand pushing for a little discretion, but what she posted certainly wasn't against the law and I don't even think it was unethical.
The reaction is even worse. Maybe they could kindly ask her to take the "objectionable" content down - but no, they force her to resign. They have the right to fire her, but shouldn't they have a legitimate reason?
Now, she is suing the school district. Good luck!

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