At the end Kanye's official remix to his new single, "Power", one of the guest artists says "chill" like ten or fifteen times. "Chill, chill, chill, chill, man. Chill, ‘Ye, chill," he says.
I'll admit Kanye probably does need to chill, but so does everyone else. Everybody everywhere just needs to chill. Like, kick it in a chair for a few minutes, world. Grab some pretzels or something and chill. It'll do you some good, for real.
Right now, I'm listening to this band called Radiohead, just chillin'. One of their cds just randomly came in the mail to me today, so I'm just sittin' here listenin' to it. It's not really that chill of a cd, but it's pretty chill just sittin' here listenin' to it.
Top three things that are chill
1. going outside
2. checking the mailbox for mail
3. finding a Radiohead cd in your mailbox
Because I just did all three of those things, today is chill. I realize number 3 is probably only a one-time occurrence for most people, but anyone can easily manage number 1 and 2 on any given day.
Top three things that are not chill
1. applying to college
2. mowing your lawn
3. reading novels
Now, this list might inspire some controversy. A lot of you out there believe reading novels is a chill thing to do, because you're sitting down and everything. But it's actually not very chill. Reading a novel requires a lot of concentration and thinking, unlike listening to Radiohead or checking you mailbox. Now, reading a magazine or a newspaper is pretty chill, and so is reading novels in public places, so I guess it just really depends on the context.
Next, I'd like to address the chillness of mowing your lawn. Yeah, you have to go outside to do it, which is chill, but once you start the mower it becomes loud. Loud is not chill in this scenario.
Another thing that is chill is lowercase letters. I realized this just now, and I would go back and change all the capitol (capital?) letters to lowercase, but it's chiller just to leave what I already have. I'll settle with making my title lowercase
zach thanks for posting this :) i really need to chill. it seems like lately all i'm doing is reading novels because i'm an english major. and i wish i was getting mail at school because mail is pretty exciting. :)