Monday, August 16, 2010

Trying to post a comment on Molly McCoy's blog

I am a little bit of a nerd.

This summer we had to read a book called "The Road", by Cormac McCarthy. It was excellent, but that's not the point. Mrs. Weems decided to start up an online discussion group over the summer on the group, which got me excited for some reason. As soon as I got done reading the book I logged onto Yahoo! Groups and joined the group, ready to get to discussing. To my dismay, I had to wait for Mrs. Weems to verify me. So I waited and checked the site the next day. That lady promised she'd check every day in the summer, you see. BUT NO. In a ridiculous turn of events, I still wasn't verified. Pah. So I checked the next day and I was verified. Phew. She was probably just away on a day hike or something.

Anyways, I hastily posted my "first impression" of the novel (which ended up being about as long as this blog post). Then I realized I was supposed to put my name at the top of my post, so I deleted my post and tried again. After forgetting my name once more, I finally remembered it and got my post to post. But then it didn't come up! It took like thirty seconds for my post to come up. In that thirty seconds I was gearing up to type my thoughts all over again.

After my post was finally up (after an hour or so of work) I checked the messages to see what others of my classmates had posted. So far there had been a lot: right around zero is just an eyeballed estimate. I figured "dang, that makes me look good being first and everything." I checked the members and there were only three: zachals, candace.weems, and stephensnyderpooh, who had not yet posted. The rest of the summer I sporadically checked the page to see what was going on, and it never amounted to much.

ANYWAYS, all of this is to show you what a nerd I am, and to draw a parallel to something else I follow ravenously*: our journalism class' blogs. The weekend was the first time of the year we were assigned to write a blog, so I checked the site all weekend to see what my fellow staff members were posting (I posted mine like right after I got out of school on Friday). Unfortunately, all of theirs came up either after I went to bed Sunday night or Monday morning so I didn't see them until a few minutes ago. Let me just say: good stuff, friends. Victoria posted something about some garbage-sounding tv show, Adriana talked about being a senior, Morgan tried to woo the ladies, Colby recounted her incredibly exciting summer. Molly's was my favorite, though. She went into a stream-of-consciousness about eating barbeque and folding clothes and blogging and being crazy. One line stuck out to me, though. She said (while talking about looking for a restaurant) "I was in the mood for pizza, my sister, burgers, my mom, Chinese, and my dad, barbeque." I was like, whoa! You want to eat your sister and burgers and all that!? (See what I did there?) So I cleverly posted a comment.

Now, the moment this blog's been leading towards: my comment didn't show up. Pah. Ridiculous. What's the problem? I looked closely and noticed I needed to type in the colorful letters. It was like "tra vine" or something. So I typed 'em in. BUT NO, it didn't work. It was like "The characters do not match, try again". So I did, but then I got the same message again. On my third try I went very slowly and tried to match the letters exactly, but no such luck. After several more tries, I gave up.

Sometimes being a nerd just isn't worth it.

*Yes, I use this word literally.


  1. you are the most entertaining nerd i have every met. true story.

  2. "I checked the members and there were only three: zachals, candace.weems, and stephensnyderpooh, who had not yet posted."

    I loled.
